Gap Insurance

The car insurance you didn't know you need

The car insurance you didn't know you need

When it comes to purchasing car insurance, chances are you've heard of third-party fire and theft and comprehensive car insurance. However, a lesser-known product to the vehicle insurance market is GAP insurance.…

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What Is Gap Insurance And Who Can Benefit From It?

What Is Gap Insurance And Who Can Benefit From It?

When you buy a new car, you will be offered all kinds of optional extras and protections. Some of these are more important than others. Gap insurance is one of the lesser-known forms of car insurance in the UK, but it is something every driver should be aware of.…

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Is Gap Insurance a good investment?

Is Gap Insurance a good investment?

GAP insurance is an addition to your insurance premium, and though it's an affordable one many drivers wonder if it's worth it. A large portion of drivers resent the cost of their regular insurance premiums, why would you want to add another cost on top of that? The reality is, however, that GAP insurance has a lot to offer drivers who are willing to invest.…

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What is tyre insurance, and why do you need it?

What is tyre insurance, and why do you need it?

Tyre insurance becoming increasingly popular for UK drivers, and for good reason. But what actually is tyre insurance, what does it cover, and why should you think about investing in it?…

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What You Need To Know About Writing Off A Car

What You Need To Know About Writing Off A Car

When you hear someone has been in a car crash, your first thought is of their state of health. 'Are they OK?' you ask. The idea of your loved ones being in an accident is frightening and the state of their vehicle will not be your first concern. When you know they are fine, the next thought you have is for the car. Then you hear the words, 'it's a write-off.'…

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Gap Insurance for Second-Hand Cars - When would you need it?

Gap Insurance for Second-Hand Cars - When would you need it?

Emerging as an essential tool for car owners, Gap Insurance covers a number of vehicle ownership areas that aren't typically considered. However, while it may be simple for new car owners, those purchasing a second-hand car may well be unsure of the value of Gap Insurance.…

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What are the different types of GAP Insurance and how do they protect drivers?

What are the different types of GAP Insurance and how do they protect drivers?

Guaranteed Asset Protection, most commonly known as GAP insurance, is a financial insurance product you often take out when you purchase a brand new car. It is designed to protect you in case your car is stolen or written off and works to cover the price difference between the amount your insurer pays and how much you paid for it yourself. This means that while it won't directly replace your car (depending on the insurance you opt for), it will ensure that you have the amount you need to clear your debt from the car you had and to purchase a replacement of the same model and make, should you wish to do so.…

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