Gap Insurance Info

Why you shouldn't take out GAP insurance from your motor dealer

Why you shouldn't take out GAP insurance from your motor dealer

One thing that makes buying a car from a dealership stressful is that the salesperson will encourage you to take out every add-on they offer. This will include things like scratch and dent insurance, paint protection, a service plan and, of course, GAP insurance. It can be challenging to leave the showroom without spending an extra £1,000 or more! We're here to tell you that there are equivalent or better products available online that could save you a lot of money without sacrificing quality in any way.…

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Can GAP insurance help if your car is stolen?

Can GAP insurance help if your car is stolen?

GAP insurance is typically associated with providing cover for a vehicle after it is involved in an accident and must be written off when it is no longer fit for the road. However, GAP policies also provide cover for drivers whose vehicles get stolen. Read on to discover when these policies pay out and when they will not.…

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What key things should you look for in a GAP insurance provider?

What key things should you look for in a GAP insurance provider?

GAP insurance can be an invaluable addition to your current car insurance policy. Whether it's a regular car you're looking to cover or an Electric Vehicle, it's essential you find the right GAP Insurance provider. With so many providers offering GAP insurance UK drivers need to be aware of what to look out for, in order to make sure they choose the best for their needs.…

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Even careful drivers need a backup plan - how GAP insurance can help

Even careful drivers need a backup plan - how GAP insurance can help

If you take pride in your car and look after it by driving it carefully and carrying out regular maintenance and cleaning tasks to keep it looking smart, it can be really frustrating when it sustains some sort of accidental damage. You might even be unfortunate enough to suffer a collision through no fault of your own. This might mean that you face a repair bill or you may even need a replacement vehicle.…

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Which UK drivers can benefit from GAP insurance?

Which UK drivers can benefit from GAP insurance?

Guaranteed Asset Protection or 'GAP' for short, is a kind of cover you can purchase, providing protection for new cars. Its purpose is to cover the difference between what your motor insurer is prepared to pay up if your vehicle is a total loss and the amount that you paid to buy your car.…

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Why buy GAP insurance online instead of from dealers?

Why buy GAP insurance online instead of from dealers?

Guaranteed Asset Protection, or GAP insurance for short, is notably among the most misunderstood policies that are available to purchase providing protection for you and your car. This is mainly due to how rarely car owners come across this kind of cover, which usually arrives on the negotiation table only when they’re attempting to secure the best possible price for a brand-new car.…

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Is gap insurance actually necessary?

Is gap insurance actually necessary?

Insurance can be a considerable expense, but in many cases it's truly necessary. That means you need to prioritise your insurance expenditure, to make sure you have the proper amount of cover. Gap insurance is growing in popularity, as it offers you a compelling way to stop yourself losing money in the event of a claim - but is it actually necessary?…

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The car insurance you didn't know you need

The car insurance you didn't know you need

When it comes to purchasing car insurance, chances are you've heard of third-party fire and theft and comprehensive car insurance. However, a lesser-known product to the vehicle insurance market is GAP insurance.…

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What is gap insurance and who can benefit from it?

What is gap insurance and who can benefit from it?

When you buy a new car, you will be offered all kinds of optional extras and protections. Some of these are more important than others. Gap insurance is one of the lesser-known forms of car insurance in the UK, but it is something every driver should be aware of.…

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Is Gap Insurance a good investment?

Is Gap Insurance a good investment?

GAP insurance is an addition to your insurance premium, and though it's an affordable one many drivers wonder if it's worth it. A large portion of drivers resent the cost of their regular insurance premiums, why would you want to add another cost on top of that? The reality is, however, that GAP insurance has a lot to offer drivers who are willing to invest.…

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