gap insurance

Gap Insurance for Second-Hand Cars - When would you need it?

Gap Insurance for Second-Hand Cars - When would you need it?

Emerging as an essential tool for car owners, Gap Insurance covers a number of vehicle ownership areas that aren't typically considered. However, while it may be simple for new car owners, those purchasing a second-hand car may well be unsure of the value of Gap Insurance.…

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What are the different types of GAP Insurance and how do they protect drivers?

What are the different types of GAP Insurance and how do they protect drivers?

Guaranteed Asset Protection, most commonly known as GAP insurance, is a financial insurance product you often take out when you purchase a brand new car. It is designed to protect you in case your car is stolen or written off and works to cover the price difference between the amount your insurer pays and how much you paid for it yourself. This means that while it won't directly replace your car (depending on the insurance you opt for), it will ensure that you have the amount you need to clear your debt from the car you had and to purchase a replacement of the same model and make, should you wish to do so.…

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