Direct Gap provides a free transfer option for Return to Invoice+ and the Vehicle Replacement+ policies.
Change of vehicle.
If you sell your vehicle during the term of cover, for policies sold after the 1 November 2012, we will transfer the remainder of the unexpired cover to your replacement vehicle free of charge.
Alternatively we can offer to rebate the unexpired portion of your old policy and credit this against a new policy for which a nominal fee may apply.
Transfer of earlier policies.
It is also possible to transfer some RTI and VRI policies prior to 1 November 2012, for which an administration fee would apply, subject to the terms prevailing at the time of purchase.
Issue of new policy schedule.
On transfer of a vehicle a new policy schedule will be issued confirming the replacement vehicle details.
Additional charges
Where the replacement vehicle is deemed to be of a higher value an additional premium may be required.
Policies which are transferred will not provide any cover for the finance element of any contract.
This is for a transfer between vehicles only. Policy transfers between individuals or companies are not permitted.
In the event of bereavement, the remaining benefits of this Insurance may be transferred to the policyholder's spouse or partner free of charge.